Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My adventures in sewing....take two.

I decided I wanted to try to make my daughter a little skirt from upcycled material. I have a t-shirt of my husbands that I had already started cutting up that I havent found a use for yet and a shirt that I got at the thrift store a few months ago that I like but it is too low cut for my taster and it was only a couple of dollars so I want to put it to good use. The shirt and the cut up shirt are pictured below.

Cut up shirt
Once I had my materials selected I wanted to find an example to go by as I am not good enough at this whole sewing thing just yet to figure out all by myself. The one I chose to go by is at this link

I love ruffles and I think this is adorable!! I may get my pieces cut today and start sewing tommorrow as I need to purchase some green thread and elastic for the wasteband. The blog uses a t shirt for the main skirt but I have enough material in the bottom of the shirt to make my skirt. I am going to make most if not all of my ruffles from the black shirt.

Once I make some progress I will post more pics!! Have a great day!

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