Sunday, July 24, 2011

The furry tail!!!

My stepdaughter Elizabeth is a very talented artist and loves to create drawings, sculptures and recently a costume. She specifically loves wolves!! So, to complete her costume she needed a furry wolf tail. She created the pattern herself and cut the fabric herself but wasn't sure about the sewing. I myself wasn't so sure since I have never sewn any faux fur. I turned the tail pieces so that fur was facing fur and sewed up my edges first. I apologize for the lack of pictures during the process this time!! Once I had my edges and bottom sewn up we turned it right side out and Elizabeth stuffed the tail. She wanted to be able to put it on any belt she wanted so I made a small loop out of white felt and sewed this into the tail when I closed it up. The following picture is a close up of the loop on the belt.

So whether you want to make your own tail for a halloween costume or you just like to wear tails this is a cute project!! Happy crafting!!

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